Title: | Projection Pursuit for Cluster Identification |
Description: | Implements recently developed projection pursuit algorithms for finding optimal linear cluster separators. The clustering algorithms use optimal hyperplane separators based on minimum density, Pavlidis et. al (2016) <https://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/volume17/15-307/15-307.pdf>; minimum normalised cut, Hofmeyr (2017) <doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2016.2609929>; and maximum variance ratio clusterability, Hofmeyr and Pavlidis (2015) <doi:10.1109/SSCI.2015.116>. |
Authors: | David Hofmeyr <[email protected]> [aut, cre] Nicos Pavlidis <[email protected]> [aut] |
Maintainer: | David Hofmeyr <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-11 04:27:00 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/davidhofmeyr/ppci |
This package provides implementations of three recently developed projection pursuit methods for clustering. These methods optimise measures of clusterability of the univariate (projected) dataset that are motivated by three well established approaches to clustering; namely density clustering, centroid based clustering and clustering by graph cuts. The resulting partitions are formed by hyperplanes orthogonal to the optimal projection vectors, and multiple such partitioning hyperplanes are combined in a hierarchical model to generate complete clustering solutions. Model visualisations through low dimensional projections of the data/clusters are provided through multiple plotting functions, which facilitate model validation. Simple model modification functions then allow for pseudo-interactive clustering.
The three main clustering algorithms are implemented in the functions mddc, mcdc and ncutdc. Each takes two mandatory arguments, the data matrix (X) and the number of clusters (K). Numerous optional arguments allow the user to modify the specifics of optimisation, etc. If the correct number of clusters is not known an approximate number can be used, and the resulting solutions visualised using the functions tree_plot (provides a visualisation of the entire model) and node_plot (provides a more detailed visualisation of a single node in the hierarchical model). Nodes can then be removed using the function tree_prune, or added using the function tree_split, depending on the apparent validity of the existing clustering model.
Package: PPCI
Type: Package
Title: Projection Pursuit for Cluster Identification
Version: 0.1.5
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0)
License: GPL-3
LazyData: yes
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.16), rARPACK
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
David Hofmeyr[aut, cre] and Nicos Pavlidis[aut]
Maintainer: David Hofmeyr <[email protected]>
Pavlidis N.G., Hofmeyr D.P., Tasoulis S.K. (2016) Minimum Density Hyperplanes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(156), 1–33.
Hofmeyr, D., Pavlidis, N. (2015) Maximum Clusterability Divisive Clustering. Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on, pp. 780–786.
Hofmeyr, D. (2016) Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(8), 1547 – 1560.
A MATLAB toolbox with the same functionality as this package is available at https://github.com/nicospavlidis/PPCI-MATLAB. Outputs may differ slightly due to differences between R and MATLAB's base optimisation software.
This data set contains case information from 699 patients from Wisconsin General Hospital who received examination for mammographic masses, which were classified as either benign or malignant.
A list with entries $x (a 699x9 matrix with each row corresponding to an individual case) and $c (a vector of labels indicating whether the mass was diagnosed as benign (2) or malignant (4)).
UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Lichman, M. (2013) UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. [https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]
Computes four popular external cluster validity metrics (adjusted Rand index, purity, V-measure and Normalised Mutual Information) through comparison of cluster assignments and true class labels.
cluster_performance(assigned, labels, beta)
cluster_performance(assigned, labels, beta)
assigned |
a vector of cluster assignments made by a clustering algorithm. |
labels |
a vector of true class labels to be compared with assigned. |
beta |
(optional) positive numeric, used in the computation of V-measure. larger values apply higher weight to homogeneity over completeness measures. if omitted then beta = 1 (equal weight applied to both measures). |
a vector containing the four evaluation metrics listed in the description.
Zhao Y., Karypis G. (2004) Empirical and Theoretical Comparisons of Selected Criterion Functions for Document Clustering. Machine Learning, 55(3), 311–331.
Strehl A., Ghosh J. (2002) Cluster ensembles—a knowledge reuse framework for combining multiple partitions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3, 583–617.
Rosenberg A., Hirschberg J. (2007) V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure. EMNLP-CoNLL, 7, 410–420. Citeseer.
Hubert, L., Arabie, P. (1985) Comparing Partitions. Journal of Classification, 2(1), 193–218.
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain clustering solution using MCDC sol <- mcdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate solution using external cluster validity measures cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain clustering solution using MCDC sol <- mcdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate solution using external cluster validity measures cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
This data set contains clinical and histopathological information from 366 cases of 6 different skin disorders/diseases for the purpous of differential diagnosis of eryhemato-squamous disease.
A list with entries $x (a 366x34 matrix with each row corresponding to an individual case) and $c (a vector of labels indicating the skin condition).
UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Lichman, M. (2013) UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml
Generates a binary partitioning tree by recursively partitioning a dataset using a hierarchical collection of hyperplanes with high variance ratio custerability across them.
mcdc(X, K, v0, split.index, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mcdc(X, K, v0, split.index, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
K |
the number of clusters to extract. |
split.index |
(optional) determines the order in which clusters are split (in decreasing order of split indices). can be a numeric valued function(v, X, P) of projection vector v, data matrix X and list of parameters P. can also be one of "size" (split the largest cluster), "fval" (split the cluster with the maximum variance ratio) or "Fdist" (split indices determined by the non-central F-distribution. See SSCI paper for details. slight difference from the paper is that when the data size is above 2000 cluster size is used instead. This is because the naive estimation of the model degrees of freedom has been found to be unreliable when the number of data is large). if omitted then "Fdist" is used. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data being split, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the maximum variance ratio is used within the final model. initialisations are determined separately for each cluster being split. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the vector joining the cluster means of a 2-means solution. |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum cluster size allowable. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation. if omitted then maxit=50. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-8. |
a named list with class ppci_cluster_solution containing
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$model |
matrix containing the would-be location of each node (depth and position at depth) within a complete tree of appropriate depth. |
$nodes |
unnamed list each element of which is a named list containing details of the binary partitions at each node in the model. |
$data |
the data matrix being clustered. |
$method |
=="MCDC". used in plotting and model modification functions. |
$args |
named list of arguments passed to mcdc. |
Hofmeyr, D., Pavlidis, N. (2015) Maximum Clusterability Divisive Clustering. Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on, pp. 780–786.
## load the dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain a clustering solution using MCDC sol <- mcdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate the performance of the solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
## load the dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain a clustering solution using MCDC sol <- mcdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate the performance of the solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
Finds a linear projection of a data set using projection pursuit to maximise the variance ratio clusterability measured in each dimension separately.
mcdr(X, p, minsize, v0, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mcdr(X, p, minsize, v0, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset. |
p |
an integer; the number of dimensions in the projection. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the minimum normalised cut is used within the final model. if omitted then a single initialisation is used for each column of the projection matrix; the first principal component within the null space of the other columns. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual projection pursuit. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation for each value of alpha. if omitted then maxit=15. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-5. |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum number of data on each side of a hyperplane. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
a named list with class ppci_projection_solution with the following components
$projection |
the num_dimensions x p projection matrix. |
$fitted |
the num_data x p projected data set. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$method |
=="MCDC". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find $projection. |
Hofmeyr, D., Pavlidis, N. (2015) Maximum Clusterability Divisive Clustering. Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on, pp. 780–786.
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- mcdr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- mcdr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
Finds maximum clusterability hyperplane(s) for clustering.
mch(X, v0, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mch(X, v0, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of v0 is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the vector joining the cluster means from a 2-means solution. |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum cluster size allowable. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation. if omitted then maxit=50. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-8. |
a named list with class ppci_hyperplane_solution with the following components
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$v |
the optimal projection vector. |
$b |
the value of b making H(v, b) the minimum normalised cut hyperplane. |
$fitted |
data projected into two dimensional subspace defined by $v and the principal component in the null space of $v. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$fval |
the variance ratio clusterability across H(v, b). |
$method |
=="MCDC". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find H(v, b). |
$alternatives |
an unnamed list. If more than one initilisation is considered, the alternatives to the best are stored in this field. |
Hofmeyr, D., Pavlidis, N. (2015) Maximum Clusterability Divisive Clustering. Computational Intelligence, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on, pp. 780–786.
## generate dataset with elongated clusters for which variance ratio in ## both dimensions is misleading for clustering set.seed(1) S <- matrix(c(1, .7, .7, 1), 2, 2) X <- matrix(rnorm(2000), ncol = 2)%*%S X[,1] <- X[,1] + rep(c(.8, -.8), each = 500) X[,2] <- X[,2] + rep(c(-.8, .8), each = 500) ## find the optimal variance ratio hyperplane solution sol <- mch(X) ## visualise the solution plot(X, col = sol$cluster)
## generate dataset with elongated clusters for which variance ratio in ## both dimensions is misleading for clustering set.seed(1) S <- matrix(c(1, .7, .7, 1), 2, 2) X <- matrix(rnorm(2000), ncol = 2)%*%S X[,1] <- X[,1] + rep(c(.8, -.8), each = 500) X[,2] <- X[,2] + rep(c(-.8, .8), each = 500) ## find the optimal variance ratio hyperplane solution sol <- mch(X) ## visualise the solution plot(X, col = sol$cluster)
Generates a binary partitioning tree by recursively partitioning a dataset using a hierarchical collection of hyperplanes with low empirical density integral.
mddc(X, K, minsize, split.index, v0, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mddc(X, K, minsize, split.index, v0, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
K |
the number of clusters to extract. |
minsize |
(optional) minimum cluster size. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
split.index |
(optional) determines the order in which clusters are split (in decreasing order of split indices). can be a numeric valued function(v, X, P) of projection vector v, data matrix X and list of parameters P. can also be one of "size" (split the largest cluster), "fval" (split the cluster with the minimum density hyperplane) or "rdepth" (split the cluster with the maximum relative depth). if omitted then "size" is used. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data being split, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the greatest relative depthis used within the final model. initialisations are determined separately for each cluster being split. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the first principal component. |
bandwidth |
(optional) used to compute the bandwidth parameter (h) for the kernel density estimator. a numeric valued function(X) of the cluster being split. if omitted then bandwidth(X) = 0.9*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
alphamin |
(optional) initial (scaled) bound on the distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data (or subset being split). if omitted then alphamin = 0. |
alphamax |
(optional) maximum (scaled) distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data (or subset being split). if omitted then alphamax = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation for each value of alpha. if omitted then maxit=15. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-5. |
a named list with class ppci_cluster_solution containing
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$model |
matrix containing the would-be location of each node (depth and position at depth) within a complete tree of appropriate depth. |
$nodes |
unnamed list each element of which is a named list containing details of the binary partitions at each node in the model. |
$data |
the data matrix being clustered. |
$method |
=="MDH". used in plotting and model modification functions. |
$args |
named list of arguments passed to mddc. |
Pavlidis N.G., Hofmeyr D.P., Tasoulis S.K. (2016) Minimum Density Hyperplanes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(156), 1–33.
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain a clustering solution using minimum density hyperplanes sol <- mddc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate the solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain a clustering solution using minimum density hyperplanes sol <- mddc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate the solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
Finds a linear projection of a data set using projection pursuit to find the vector(s) orthogonal to minimum density hyperplanes.
mddr(X, p, minsize, v0, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mddr(X, p, minsize, v0, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset. |
p |
an integer; the number of dimensions in the projection. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the minimum normalised cut is used within the final model. if omitted then a single initialisation is used for each column of the projection matrix; the first principal component within the null space of the other columns. |
bandwidth |
(optional) used to compute the bandwidth parameter (h) for the kernel density estimator. a numeric valued function(X) of the cluster being split. if omitted then bandwidth(X) = 0.9*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
alphamin |
(optional) initial (scaled) bound on the distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data. if omitted then alphamin = 0. |
alphamax |
(optional) maximum (scaled) distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data. if omitted then alphamax = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual projection pursuit. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation for each value of alpha. if omitted then maxit=15. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-5. |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum number of data on each side of a hyperplane. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
a named list with class ppci_projection_solution with the following components
$projection |
the num_dimensions x p projection matrix. |
$fitted |
the num_data x p projected data set. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$method |
=="MDH". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find $projection. |
Pavlidis N.G., Hofmeyr D.P., Tasoulis S.K. (2016) Minimum Density Hyperplanes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(156), 1–33.
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- mddr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- mddr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
Finds minimum density hyperplane(s) for clustering.
mdh(X, v0, minsize, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
mdh(X, v0, minsize, bandwidth, alphamin, alphamax, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of v0 is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the first principal component. |
minsize |
(optional) minimum cluster size. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
bandwidth |
(optional) positive numeric bandwidth parameter (h) for the kernel density estimator. if omitted then bandwidth = 0.9*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
alphamin |
(optional) initial (scaled) bound on the distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data. if omitted then alphamin = 0. |
alphamax |
(optional) maximum/final (scaled) distance of the optimal hyperplane from the mean of the data. if omitted then alphamax = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation for each value of alpha. if omitted then maxit=15. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-5. |
a named list with class ppci_hyperplane_solution with the following components
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$v |
the optimal projection vector. |
$b |
the value of b making H(v, b) the minimum density hyperplane. |
$fitted |
data projected into two dimensional subspace defined by $v and the principal component in the null space of $v. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$rel.dep |
the relative depth of H(v, b). |
$fval |
the integrated dentsity on H(v, b). |
$method |
=="MDH". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find H(v, b). |
$alternatives |
an unnamed list. If more than one initilisation is considered, the alternatives to the best are stored in this field. |
Pavlidis N.G., Hofmeyr D.P., Tasoulis S.K. (2016) Minimum Density Hyperplanes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(156), 1–33.
## load breast cancer dataset data(breastcancer) ## find minimum density hyperplane sol <- mdh(breastcancer$x) ## visualise the solution plot(sol) ## evaluate the quality of the partition success_ratio(sol$cluster, breastcancer$c)
## load breast cancer dataset data(breastcancer) ## find minimum density hyperplane sol <- mdh(breastcancer$x) ## visualise the solution plot(sol) ## evaluate the quality of the partition success_ratio(sol$cluster, breastcancer$c)
Generates a binary partitioning tree by recursively partitioning a dataset using a hierarchical collection of hyperplanes with low normalised cut measured across them.
ncutdc(X, K, split.index, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
ncutdc(X, K, split.index, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
K |
the number of clusters to extract. |
split.index |
(optional) determines the order in which clusters are split (in decreasing order of split indices). can be a numeric valued function(v, X, P) of projection vector v, data matrix X and list of parameters P. can also be one of "size" (split the largest cluster) or "fval" (split the cluster with the minimum density hyperplane). if omitted then "fval" is used. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data being split, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the minimum normalised cut is used within the final model. initialisations are determined separately for each cluster being split. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the first principal component. |
s |
(optional) used to compute the scaling parameter (sigma) for pairwise similarities. a numeric valued function(X) of the cluster being split. if omitted then s(X) = 100*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum cluster size allowable. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation. if omitted then maxit=50. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-8. |
a named list with class ppci_cluster_solution containing
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$model |
matrix containing the would-be location of each node (depth and position at depth) within a complete tree of appropriate depth. |
$nodes |
unnamed list each element of which is a named list containing details of the binary partitions at each node in the model. |
$data |
the data matrix being clustered. |
$method |
=="NCutH". used in plotting and model modification functions. |
$args |
named list of arguments passed to ncutdc. |
Hofmeyr, D. (2016) Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(8), 1547 – 1560.
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain clustering solution sol <- ncutdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
## load dermatology dataset data(dermatology) ## obtain clustering solution sol <- ncutdc(dermatology$x, 6) ## evaluate solution using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, dermatology$c)
Finds a linear projection of a data set using projection pursuit based on minimising the normalised cut measured in each dimension separately.
ncutdr(X, p, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
ncutdr(X, p, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset. |
p |
an integer; the number of dimensions in the projection. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a function(X) of the data, which returns a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of the output of v0(X) is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. the solution with the minimum normalised cut is used within the final model. if omitted then a single initialisation is used for each column of the projection matrix; the first principal component within the null space of the other columns. |
s |
(optional) used to compute the scaling parameter (sigma) for pairwise similarities. a numeric valued function(X) of the data. if omitted then s(X) = 100*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum cluster size allowable when computing the normalised cut. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual projection pursuit. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation. if omitted then maxit=50. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-8. |
a named list with class ppci_projection_solution with the following components
$projection |
the num_dimensions x p projection matrix. |
$fitted |
the num_data x p projected data set. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$method |
=="NCutH". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find $projection. |
Hofmeyr, D. (2016) Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(8), 1547 – 1560.
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- ncutdr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## find nine dimensional projection (one fewer than ## the number of clusters, as is common in clustering) sol <- ncutdr(optidigits$x, 9) ## visualise the solution via the first 3 pairs of dimensions plot(sol, pairs = 3, labels = optidigits$c) ## compare with PCA projection pairs(optidigits$x%*%eigen(cov(optidigits$x))$vectors[,1:3], col = optidigits$c) }
Finds minimum normalised cut hyperplane(s) for clustering.
ncuth(X, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
ncuth(X, v0, s, minsize, verb, labels, maxit, ftol)
X |
a numeric matrix (num_data x num_dimensions); the dataset to be clustered. |
v0 |
(optional) initial projection direction(s). a matrix with ncol(X) rows. each column of v0 is used as an initialisation for projection pursuit. if omitted then a single initialisation is used; the first principal component. |
s |
(optional) positive numeric scaling parameter (sigma). if omitted then s = 100*eigen(cov(X))$values[1]^.5*nrow(X)^(-0.2). |
minsize |
(optional) the minimum cluster size allowable. if omitted then minsize = 1. |
verb |
(optional) verbosity level of optimisation procedure. verb==0 produces no output. verb==1 produces plots illustrating the progress of projection pursuit via plots of the projected data. verb==2 adds to these plots additional information about the progress. verb==3 creates a folder in working directory and stores all plots for verb==2. if omitted then verb==0. |
labels |
(optional) vector of class labels. not used in the actual clustering procedure. only used for illustrative purposes for values of verb>0. |
maxit |
(optional) maximum number of iterations in optimisation. if omitted then maxit=50. |
ftol |
(optional) tolerance level for convergence of optimisation, based on relative function value improvements. if omitted then ftol = 1e-8. |
a named list with class ppci_hyperplane_solution with the following components
$cluster |
cluster assignment vector. |
$v |
the optimal projection vector. |
$b |
the value of b making H(v, b) the minimum normalised cut hyperplane. |
$fitted |
data projected into two dimensional subspace defined by $v and the principal component in the null space of $v. |
$data |
the input data matrix. |
$fval |
the normalised cut across H(v, b). |
$method |
=="NCutH". |
$params |
list of parameters used to find H(v, b). |
$alternatives |
an unnamed list. If more than one initilisation is considered, the alternatives to the best are stored in this field. |
Hofmeyr, D. (2016) Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 39(8), 1547 – 1560.
## load breast cancer dataset data(breastcancer) ## find minimum normalised cut hyperplane sol <- ncuth(breastcancer$x) ## visualise the solution plot(sol) ## evaluate the performance of the solution success_ratio(sol$cluster, breastcancer$c)
## load breast cancer dataset data(breastcancer) ## find minimum normalised cut hyperplane sol <- ncuth(breastcancer$x) ## visualise the solution plot(sol) ## evaluate the performance of the solution success_ratio(sol$cluster, breastcancer$c)
This data set contains vectorised images of handwritten digits (0–9), compressed to 8x8 pixels.
A list with entries $x (a 5620x64 matrix with each row corresponding to an image) and $c (a vector of labels indicating the written digit).
UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Lichman, M. (2013) UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml
Provides a visualisation of the cluster means computed from the optidigits data set, recast as images. Cluster labels are aligned with the true labels using simulated annealing to maximise the trace of the confusion matrix (or subset if number of clusters != number of classes.)
clusters |
a vector of cluster assignments. Must take values in 1:k, where k is the number of clusters. |
Lichman, M. (2013) UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## obtain a clustering solution using normalised cut hyperplanes sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 10) ## visualise the cluster means as images optidigits_mean_images(sol$cluster) }
### not run run = FALSE if(run){ ## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## obtain a clustering solution using normalised cut hyperplanes sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 10) ## visualise the cluster means as images optidigits_mean_images(sol$cluster) }
This data set contains features derived from pen trajectories arising from handwritten digits (0–9) from 44 subjects.
A list with entries $x (a 10992x16 matrix with each row corresponding to a pen trajectory) and $c (a vector of labels indicating the written digit).
UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Lichman, M. (2013) UCI Machine Learning Repository. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml
This data set contains log-periodogorams generated from sound frequency recordings of 5 spoken phonemes.
A list with entries $x (a 4509x256 matrix with each row corresponding to a periodogram) and $y (a vector of labels indicating the spoken phoneme).
The Elements of Statistical Learning Theory.
Friedman, J., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. (2001) The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer series in statistics. 1, pp. 241–249 [https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/data.html]
Computes the success ratio of a binary partition by comparing the solution with true class labels.
success_ratio(assigned, labels)
success_ratio(assigned, labels)
assigned |
a vector of cluster assignments made by a clustering algorithm. |
labels |
a vector of true class labels to be compared with assigned. |
the success ratio of the cluster assignment solution.
Hofmeyr, D. (2016) Clustering by Minimum Cut Hyperplanes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## generate a binary partition using minimum normalised cut hyperplane sol <- ncuth(optidigits$x) ## evaluate using success ratio success_ratio(sol$cluster, optidigits$c)
## load optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## generate a binary partition using minimum normalised cut hyperplane sol <- ncuth(optidigits$x) ## evaluate using success ratio success_ratio(sol$cluster, optidigits$c)
Removes the subtree rooted at the specified node from a hierarchical clustering model generated by one of mcdc, mddc and ncutdc.
tree_prune(sol, node)
tree_prune(sol, node)
sol |
a clustering solution arising from one of the functions mcdc, mddc and ncutdc. |
node |
the node at which to prune the hierarchy. can be either an integer specifying the node number in sol$nodes or a vector of length two specifying c(depth, position at depth) of the node. |
a list with the same components as sol.
## load the optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## cluster using minimum normalised cut hyperplanes, ## assuming no domain knowledge begin with 12 clusters sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 13) ## the node numbered 4 has been split, ## yet it appears there may not be multiple clusters present. ## inspect this node more closely plot(sol, node = 4) ## remove this node from the model sol_new <- tree_prune(sol, 4) ## compare the solutions using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, optidigits$c) cluster_performance(sol_new$cluster, optidigits$c)
## load the optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## cluster using minimum normalised cut hyperplanes, ## assuming no domain knowledge begin with 12 clusters sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 13) ## the node numbered 4 has been split, ## yet it appears there may not be multiple clusters present. ## inspect this node more closely plot(sol, node = 4) ## remove this node from the model sol_new <- tree_prune(sol, 4) ## compare the solutions using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, optidigits$c) cluster_performance(sol_new$cluster, optidigits$c)
Adds an additional binary partition to an existing hierarchical clustering model produced by one of mcdc, mddc and ncutdc.
tree_split(sol, node, ...)
tree_split(sol, node, ...)
sol |
a clustering solution arising from one of the functions mcdc, mddc and ncutdc. |
node |
the node to be further partitioned. can be either an integer specifying the node number in sol$nodes or a vector of length two specifying c(depth, position at depth) of the node. |
... |
any modifications to parameters used in optimisation. these should have the same names and types as the corresponding arguments for the method used to construct sol. |
a list with the same components as sol. the $args field will reflect any changes included in ... above.
## load the optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## cluster using minimum normalised cut hyperplanes, ## assuming no domain knowledge begin with 8 clusters sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 8) ## visualise solution plot(sol) ## node 13 shows evidence of multiple clusters. Inspect this node more closely plot(sol, node = 13) ## split node 13 sol_new <- tree_split(sol, 13) ## compare the solutions using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, optidigits$c) cluster_performance(sol_new$cluster, optidigits$c)
## load the optidigits dataset data(optidigits) ## cluster using minimum normalised cut hyperplanes, ## assuming no domain knowledge begin with 8 clusters sol <- ncutdc(optidigits$x, 8) ## visualise solution plot(sol) ## node 13 shows evidence of multiple clusters. Inspect this node more closely plot(sol, node = 13) ## split node 13 sol_new <- tree_split(sol, 13) ## compare the solutions using external cluster validity metrics cluster_performance(sol$cluster, optidigits$c) cluster_performance(sol_new$cluster, optidigits$c)
This data set contains vectorised images of the faces of 10 different human subjects with different poses and lighting conditions. The images were compressed to 30x20 pixels.
A list with entries $x (a 2000x600 matrix with each row corresponding to an image) and $y (a vector of labels indicating the human subject).
Yale Faces Database B. Compressed images (30x40) available from [https://cervisia.org/machine_learning_data.php/]. Further compression was performed by the package developers. In addition only the first 200 images of each subject are included.
Georghiades, A.S. and Belhumeur, P.N. and Kriegman, D.J. (2001) From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 23(6) pp. 643–660.